Peyronie’s Disease is a condition in which the normal, elastic tissue of the penis is replaced with a hard, fibrous tissue/plaque.  The root cause of Peyronie’s Disease is most frequently minor injury to the penis, often caused by vigorous sex or athletic injury. This condition often presents with pain/soreness in an area of the penis and can lead to penile curvature, sometimes so severe that it makes penetrative sex impossible. Men suffering from Peyronie’s Disease or penile curvature are frequently led to believe that it is a rare condition, often suffering in silence. In fact, Peyronie’s Disease is quite common. It is estimated that 1 in 10 men have or will suffer from Peyronie’s Disease in their lifetimes and that number is possibly even higher due to under-reporting. Peyronie’s Disease can often become not only an uncomfortable physical condition but an extreme mental stressor to the men it affects. Thankfully, there are a multitude of treatment options available to resolve the issue.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment Options

  • Xiaflex – an injectable medication administered by a urologist that selectively targets the underlying scar tissues
  • Plication – minor surgical procedure to correct curvature by amending the tunica
  • Incision and Grafting

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